b'13FALL 2019CONCUSSIONWESTERN PENNSYLVANIA IS,arguably, the centerhistory of cataloging and storing brain-only of the football universe. Now, with a grant fromautopsies of adults and children who have The Pittsburgh Foundation and the Chuckdied from dementia, neurological disorders REPERCUSSIONS Noll Foundation for Brain Injury Research, theor brain injury. region is poised to become a world leader inNeuropathology Brain Bank researchers the study of chronic traumatic encephalopathywill reach out to former professional athletes (CTE), a neurodegenerative disease. Scientistsfrom a variety of sports, including football, hope that the athlete-focused brain bankhockey, wrestling and soccer, to ask them will help researchers understand if andto take part in cognitive assessments that how traumatic brain injuries on the fieldinclude a clinical dementia rating. Players will may affect dementia, Alzheimers and otherbe asked to make a post-mortem donation of neurodegenerative diseases. their brains to the project.Steelers Jim The two philanthropies are among theChuck Noll was the Steelers head coachClack, #50, and Ray earliest fundersThe Pittsburgh Foundationfrom 1969 to 1991. Under his leadership, the teamMansfield, #56, lift Head Coach Chuck by way of a $125,000 grant and the Chuck Nollwas the first in the NFL to develop concussionNoll onto their Foundation also with a $125,000 donationtoprotocols. To further this work, the Steelers inshoulders. Terry establish the nations first brain bank focused2016 established the Chuck Noll Foundation andBradshaw, #12, and John Fuqua, #33,on athletes. It will be housed at the Universityhave since made about $1.2 million in grants toare also pictured.of Pittsburghs Department of Neuropathologynine research teams at local universities. IMAGE CIRCA 1972in the School of Medicine, which has a 30-year'