The Pittsburgh Foundation’s power to do great things during the past year is reflected in the numbers. Offered here are some views of the Foundation’s growth, its grantmaking energy and its financial history. Formorefinancialinformation, 2016 THENUMBERS † In 2008,The Pittsburgh Foundation made a conscious effort to combat the financial struggles in our community with an increase in grants despite a dip in our assets. 78 79 RE P ORT TO THE COM M UNI TY THE P I TTSBURGH F OUNDATI ON SUMMARY OF GRANTS BY CATEGORY DO LLARS (IN MILLIONS) Arts,CultureandHumanities $6.4 Education $34.1 EnvironmentandAnimals $1.4 Health $3.2 HumanServices $10.9 InternationalandForeignAffairs $0.9 PublicandSocialBenefit $3.9 ReligionRelated $3.2 $64.2 TotalGrants FUND ASSETS BY TYPE DO LLARS (IN MILLIONS) Unrestricted $251 Advised $287 Designated $225 FieldofInterest $139 Scholarship $62 SpecialPurpose $49 MedicalResearch $25 ControlledSupporting $104 Organizations $1141 TotalAssets NET ASSET BRIDGE D OL L ARS ( I N M I L L I ONS) I N V E S T M E N T R E T U R N S G R A N T S A P P R O V E D G R A N T M A K I N G E X P E N S E S O T H E R ( N E T ) A D M I N I S T R AT I V E E X P E N S E C O N T R I B U T I O N S + 43.1 + 45.6 — 64.2 — 7.4 0 — 7.5 2015NetAssets 2016NetAssets* $1100.1 $1109.8 07  08† 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ASSET GROWTH OVER 10 YEARS D OL L ARS ( I N M I L L I ONS) $1200 $1000 $800 $600 $400 $200 0 $1141$104 $1037 ThePittsburghFoundation SupportingOrganizations GRANTMAKING OVER 10 YEARS D OL L ARS ( I N M I L L I ONS) 07  08† 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 $20.9 $43.3 ThePittsburghFoundation SupportingOrganizations $64.2 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 0 * Assets net of grants payable, fiscal agent funds and other liabilities totaling $31.6 million. Total Grants Total Assets