PITTSBURGH, AUG. 10, 2020 – The Dietrich Foundation Conneaut Lake, PA Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation has awarded $23,100 to Conneaut Lake area organizations this year. The grantees this year are:

  • Ice House Park awarded $6,930 to support general operations and upkeep. Many activities are held at Ice House Park including Music at Sunset, the annual wooden boat show and the Ice House Festival in the winter. Thirty percent of each year’s giving amount is allocated for Ice House Park.
  • The Conneaut Lake Area Historical Society awarded $6,400 to update its archives by digitizing its microfilm and hard copies of the local paper from 1921 to 2019. This will improve efficiency for researchers while  preserving valuable information for the future. The society serves the immediate Conneaut Lake area, while also hosting visitors from nearly all 50 states and various countries during the peak tourist season.
  • The South Lake Preserve awarded $8,770 to support the construction of a gazebo at Ice House Park, which it operates. The gazebo will serve for the use and enjoyment of the residents of Conneaut Lake and surrounding communities. This funding is for year two of this 4-year project and is meant to complement the general operating support already provided to Ice House Park. Years one and two focused on establishing preliminary and detailed engineering and bid specifications for the structure, foundation and installation.
  • The Girl Scouts of Western Pennsylvania awarded $1,000 to provide support for the Girl Scouts program in Crawford County. This includes programs where Girl Scouts can earn badges as well as an outdoor summit to train adult volunteers on outdoor skills, such as fire-starting and kayaking.

William S. Dietrich II, a former steel industry executive who died in 2012, established the fund at The Pittsburgh Foundation to support charitable programs in the community of Conneaut Lake. This is the seventh year the fund has awarded grants. Grant applications for next year will open in January.

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