George and Susan EvansGeorge and Susan Evans established the Evans-Krivak Gynecological Cancer Research Fund in honor of Dr. Thomas Krivak, the doctor that treated Susan during her battle with ovarian cancer. They believe that Dr. Krivak exhibits an unmatched level of attention to his patients and an unwavering commitment to saving lives. 
“The fund’s mission is twofold: to improve the clinical treatment and personalized care of women with ovarian and gynecologic-related cancers, and to support education for physicians who seek specialization in such cancer treatment and care,” said Susan.
Ovarian cancer can be deceptive and difficult to detect; Susan was diagnosed from an ER scan that was probing the cause of a swollen ankle. There is no history of cancer in her family.
“When someone saves someone’s life, as Dr. Krivak saved Susan’s, the right thing to do is to recognize that gift with another gift,” said the couple. “Dr. Krivak went far beyond the surgery; he was with Susan at every moment as he embraced her mind, body, and soul in a very personal realistic manner that went beyond the professional ideal.” 
Their gift to Dr. Krivak is this fund.  Susan and Dr. Krivak co-authored a book about their experience together, entitled “Don’t Write the Obituary Yet.” The proceeds from the sale of the book will go entirely toward supporting the fund. Ultimately, the endowment will award research and education funding, but the focus remains to support scientific and clinical research and to educate physicians who treat gynecologic cancers and are deeply cognizant of after-surgery care.
Susan is now in remission. She is retired after teaching English at Bradford Area High School for 32 years. George is a retired journalism professor, who spent 29 years teaching at St. Bonaventure University. The couple resides in Bradford, Pennsylvania, where they avidly support the advancement of education.