The Pittsburgh Foundation

Sarah A. Hrivnak Memorial Fund

Established: 6/8/2000

2018_Sarah Hrivnak.jpgThe Hrivnak family established this fund to honor Sarah Hrivnak, a 13-month-old with blue eyes and a big smile who tragically lost her life in a 1995 car accident. The fund supports causes that bring joy to Sarah’s community and improve the Pittsburgh area’s quality of life by granting to arts organizations, churches, museums, libraries and more.

Sarah’s younger brother, Richie Hrivnak, has been instrumental in raising money for the fund through sales and crowdfunding. “I know it sounds strange, but I miss her even though I never met her,” Richie says. “I want to keep the memory of my sister in heaven alive.”

Donations to the Sarah A. Hrivnak Memorial Fund will support nonprofits in the Plum community, in Pittsburgh and beyond. “I would be so very thankful and grateful if you could support [the Fund],” says Richie. “May God bless you every day!”

To donate, click the Donate Now button or use the United Way designation code 980147.

Type of Fund

  • Advised