As chief investment officer, Jonathan works with the Board’s Investment Committee and outside consultants to set the asset allocation and manage the strategic direction of the investment program. He is the primary portfolio manager for the foundation’s five internally managed portfolios and works closely with staff to manage and oversee all externally delegated portfolios.

In stewarding the Foundation’s operations, Jonathan helps to set the strategic direction of the increasingly critical Information Technology section.

Before joining the Foundation, Jonathan worked with Mellon Global Securities Lending, specializing in European financial institutions and asset-backed commercial paper conduits. He has nearly 20 years of experience in the finance industry. He served as a mortgage underwriter for NVR Mortgage and in commercial and retail banking for Century National Bank. Jonathan also worked in the technology sector, including a period as director of professional services for Personity, a Pittsburgh-based startup. Jonathan currently serves on the board of Neighborhood Allies, the board of the Finance and Administrative Officers Group serving community foundations, the investment committee of the McElhattan Foundation and the finance committee of Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania. He previously served on the Technology Affinity Group of the Council on Foundations and on the boards of Steeltown Entertainment Project and Nucleus.

He earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from Carnegie Mellon University and is a chartered financial analyst. From age 14 to 16, Jonathan lived in England, which resulted in his ongoing obsession with Monty Python, movie quotes and understatement. He and his wife, Dionne, have four children and numerous pets, including five chickens.