A fading green brochure titled "One Man's Gift" tells the compelling story of Harry Scott Wherrett who left school at the age of 15 and rose through the ranks from "office boy" to Chairman of the Board of Pittsburgh Plate Glass over a 53-year career. He died on Aug. 13, 1944, at the age of 68.

He also was Director of the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, a Director of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Director of the Westinghouse Electric International Company and President of the Pittsburgh Corning Company.

Harry and his wife Mary had no children, and his $1.7 million estate was left to The Pittsburgh Foundation. The Wherrett Memorial Fund was one of the first and largest funds established in the early days of the Foundation, shortly after its founding in 1945.

A careful planner, Harry directed that the fund be "organized for charitable, literary, scientific or educational purposes," and have no role in "propaganda" or any endeavor "attempting to influence legislation."

Harry's civic interests were many and are reflected in the hundreds of grants made by the fund over the years. He was involved with the Community Chest of Allegheny County, Pittsburgh Symphony Society, Shadyside Hospital and the East End Christian Church. He was an avid supporter of the arts and educational initiatives as well.

The fund continues to support institutions of higher learning in Pittsburgh, including the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University, Duquesne University, Chatham University and Mount Mercy College as well as The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. The fund also has supported numerous children's institutions, the arts, health care organizations and social services.