Terry Miller, establisher of the Our Daily Bread Fund

For Terry Miller of Pittsburgh, being hungry and going without food isn’t just a “societal” issue. It is personal. Growing up in a food insecure household, she knows well the stigma associated with hunger, the instability it created in the home, the struggles with learning, and both physical and behavioral health. As a result, she is fiercely committed to ensuring that no child experiences the anxiety of hunger that she did growing up.

In 2014, Terry decided to commit her retirement assets to establish the Our Daily Bread Fund at The Pittsburgh Foundation upon her death. The fund's purpose will be to support childhood hunger initiatives of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank through regular, annual contributions estimated at 5% of the endowment. In 2016, Terry realized that she didn’t want to wait until she passed away to begin funding these initiatives, and wanted to start and grow the fund in her lifetime.

By establishing a designated fund at The Pittsburgh Foundation to support—in perpetuity—the comprehensive childhood hunger initiatives of Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, she acknowledges that the path to ending hunger for children and families is long and worthy of lasting, dependable investment.  

“I am eager to enlist donors—large and small, individuals and corporations—to grow this fund now. To be clear, as a region, we will invest in these children whether through increased health care costs, special education and human services programs, or in lost productivity. Through The Fund and the comprehensive programs of the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, we have an opportunity to be smart about our investments…let’s feed them.” 

Terry respectfully requests you to join her in raising support to initiate the Our Daily Bread Fund. 

“You cannot tell a hungry child today that you gave them a meal yesterday. The poverty in those words is as heavy as the experience of hunger itself.” -Terry Miller