Meet Visual Artist Sarika Goulatia


Emerging Artist winner of the 2017 Carol R. Brown Creative Achievement Award

Congratulations to visual artist Sarika Goulatia, the winner of 2017’s emerging artist Carol R. Brown Creative Achievement Award. This video profile of Sarika and her work debuted at the Dec. 4 public celebration at the August Wilson Center for African American Culture. The awards recognize the works and achievements of one established artist and one emerging artist and come with a $15,000 award for each, thanks to a shared commitment to the arts by The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Heinz Endowments. Candidates were nominated by artists and regional leaders in the arts, and were chosen by an independent panel of artists who reviewed applications and work samples.

This video was created by Joshua Franzos of Treehouse Creative, LLC, a Pittsburgh-based storytelling collaborative of filmmakers and musicians. More information may be found at Treehouse Creative