Donors Bob and Bobbie Tedesco (center) surrounded by their family at a July 2015 reunion.
Donors Bob and Bobbie Tedesco (center) surrounded by their family at a July 2015 reunion.

Making philanthropy a family tradition.

How will your family cultivate a culture of generosity that reflects the wisdom and values of elders, while inspiring younger family members? The Center for Philanthropy guides families through complex multigenerational dynamics. Our expert donor services staff facilitate Family Meetings to start the conversation.

Family Giving Plans

Through Family Meetings, we will help your family understand how longstanding community needs and emerging philanthropic trends may be considered simultaneously in the development of cohesive, sustainable family giving plans.

We also provide resources like the reports attached below from the Johnson Center for Philanthropy to help families define their goals and values.

Let us help you start the conversation that will determine the future of your family’s philanthropic involvement.

Please call team for more information at 412-394-2630 or contact us via email: