Jamillia Kamara

JAMILLIA KAMARA has been a teacher, an entrepreneur and a consultant. At The Pittsburgh Foundation, she has a full plate, supporting the Program staff.
“One of the cool things about my job is I get a little bit of everything,” Kamara says. “It’s definitely a holistic experience, and it’s helping me build on my experience in education, community engagement and outreach. It’s been a really awesome, inspiring next step.”
Kamara says she is most excited to be participating in projects stemming from the Foundation’s 100 Percent Pittsburgh organizing principle, which seeks to provide economic opportunity for those with no access to the region’s revitalized economy.
“Jamillia has quickly proved to be a strong partner in our department’s efforts to amplify voices of people who are most affected by economic injustice, and to explore new strategies for transforming systems, including our own, to better meet community needs,” says Michelle McMurray, senior program officer for Health and Human Services.
Her work to support 100 Percent Pittsburgh efforts is rewarding, says Kamara, because the Foundation is acting intentionally to include community residents in the process of identifying programs and services they believe will benefit them most.
“It feels great to be in a place where the talk is being walked,” she says.
Original story appeared in Forum Quarterly - Winter 2018