The Pittsburgh Foundation

News Release

Mellon Foundation grants $9 million to the Promise

Mellon Foundation grants $9 million to the PromiseNow businesses, individuals and families urged to help program reach its fundraising goal PITTSBURGH, Pa., February 26, 2009 -- The Richard King Mellon Foundation has taken The Pittsburgh Promise closer to its current fundraising target with a grant to the program of $9 million over the next three years. The grant will be paid in annual installments of $3 million.

News Release

Media mobilize in support of the Promise

Media Mobilize in Support of The PromiseSpecial TV program, public service ads urge support for reaching June 30 fundraising goal Print, TV organizations promote need for community involvement with unprecedented collaboration and public service

News Release

Benedum Foundation Awards $2.5 grant to Promise

Benedum Foundation awards $2.5 million grant to The Pittsburgh PromisePITTSBURGH, Pa., February 5, 2009  --  The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation is the latest foundation to add its support to The Pittsburgh Promise with a grant of $2.5 million over the next five years. The grant will be paid in annual installments of $500,000.

News Release

First UPMC/Pittsburgh Promise report card

The First ‘UPMC/Pittsburgh Promise Report Card to the Community’ Highlights First Year AccomplishmentsSpecial community briefing details progress in supporting education after high school and college retention rates

News Release


We update this section often with current news about The Pittsburgh Foundation. For more information, please contact Doug Root, Vice President of Communications, at 412-394-2647 or  

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