b'2015 2016 2017 THE PITTSBURGHREPORT TO THE 2018FOUNDATIONCOMMUNITY Brett Kashmere multidisciplinary Tereneh Idia fashion design Sarika Goulatia multidisciplinary Alisha B. Wormsley interdisciplinaryKarla Boos theater Yona Harvey literature Susan Tsu costume design Tony Ferrieri set designA place-based philanthropy she launched the Creative Achievement Awards through and a community foundation the Trust, which made grants of $15,000 each to two come together to fulfill individualartists, one designated as Established, and the other, artists most pressing needs.Emerging. Unlike many arts-funding programs, which cover specific projects or residencies, the Trust grants were for whatever the artists needed most. WHAT IS THE ROLE OF ARTISTS IN CHALLENGING TIMES?The program was launched the same year the For some, it is expressing the ineffable, or shining aTrust announced a 10-year plan for Cultural District light on what would be overlooked. For others, it isimprovements that The Pittsburgh Press proclaimed exposing uncomfortable truths, or capturing and holdingwould result in a bonanza for art lovers.a communitys rage or grief. But perhaps the mostOur intent was to bring real help to our community challenging role for artists is making a living. Usuallyof artists for whatever their needs were, says Brown. self-employed and underpaid, artists may find theirOne of the awardees came up after the ceremony and creative work overwhelmed by the hustle of lining upexplained that they desperately needed dental care and the next commission or performance.now could afford it. Thats exactly what the awards are Arts champion Carol R. Brown, who ran thefor, and it was a conversation Ill never forget. Pittsburgh Cultural Trust from 1986 to 2000, recognizedThe Awards program, which included a community this reality. She was determined that the organizationcelebration for artists, was made through the Trust eight responsible for 14 venues offering a range of enter- times until 1999, when the program went on hiatus. They tainment and cultural presentations in the heart ofwere resurrected in 2012 in homage to Browns vision Downtown would support and celebrate individualand accomplishments in the Cultural District. They artists whose creativity powered the District. In 1991,became a shared program of The Heinz Endowments, 17'