b'THE PITTSBURGHREPORT TO THE FOUNDATIONCOMMUNITY GROWTHIN 2018,despite changes to the federal tax codeFunding support to nonprofits also increased that included limiting charitable deductions, last year. The Foundation made 7,043 grants total-CHART The Pittsburgh Foundation brought in ing $48.5million. Of those, 4,669 grants totaling $68million, the highest cash-in amount in $21.3million were from donor-advised funds. its 73-year history. The total reflects theIts the community foundations endowment establishment of 97 new funds, including amodelsound investment strategies applied to record-setting 14at its affiliate, The Communitydonor funds through the yearsthat has enabled Foundation of Westmoreland County.significant growth in grantmaking.In announcing the total amount raised, thenIn 1948, the first year for which annual asset Foundation President and CEO Maxwell King saidvaluations were recorded, the Foundation had 18 the achievement offers powerful evidence thatfunds with a cumulativevalue of$2.5 million. By residents of our region see real value in deliveringthe end of 2018, there were 2,296 funds valued at their personal philanthropy through the community$1.15 billion. Over the same 70-year period, cumu-foundation model. Thanks to their trust in us, thelative grantmaking rose steadily from $155,947 Foundationwill be able to do even more to improvein 1948 to $970 million last year. That asset base quality of life in the region.places the foundation as the14th largest among community philanthropies nationally.$2.500$2,000 THE PITTSBURGH FOUNDATIONCumulative GrantsCUMULATIVE ASSETS AND Year End Asset ValuationGRANTMAKING, 19452018$1,500DOLLARS(IN MILLIONS)$1,000$5001945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 20153'