b'THE AGE OF GIVING PROMOTING RESPONSIBLE PHILANTHROPYTwo new programs have beenlearned about the New Philanthropic Leaders Program. launched at The PittsburghShe joined 10 other young professionals, ages 22 to Foundation to engage the 40, representing occupations as diverse as lawyer and next generation of professionaladvertising creative director, for a year practicing start-advisors and philanthropists. to-finish philanthropy. The $1,000 contribution each of them made was the first step in a philanthropic journey that took them to the point of collectively deciding which EMMA LEE WAS RAISED TO GIVE BACK,but she never imag- community nonprofits would benefit.ined herself as a philanthropistcertainly not at 28.They would set the strategic direction of grantmak-Even from her perch as a senior program associate ating, design an application for nonprofit leaders hoping the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning, a nonprofitto tap into it, select the nonprofit finalists and plan a that deals frequently with foundations, she thought thepitch party, the event in which applicants make their title was reserved for the elite and wealthy. best case for a grant award. The entire experience was Casey Robinson, 33, a certified financial plannerreally engaging, says Lee.with Waldron Private Wealth in Bridgeville, initiallyRobinson is one of 16 early career financial assumed his clients were supposed to tell him about theiradvisors and estate attorneys who make up the Young interest in charitable givingnot the other way around.Professional Advisors Committee, which had its first The two young professionals found that theirmeeting in February. The YPAC group is modeled after the notions of philanthropy expanded through participationFoundations Professional Advisors Committee, which in two Pittsburgh Foundation programs last year in itsserves established advisors. In addition to the benefit Center for Philanthropy. The classes are continuing thisof networking with peers, he learned how to use the year as Foundation staff sees evidence that early careerFoundations tools to help his clients set philanthropic professionals want to put their own cultural stamp ongoals for themselves and succeeding generations. Some local giving. couples want to give money away, but they have never For Lee, the notion that philanthropy is only for thedone it before. It isnt something that most husbands older and wealthier set in Pittsburgh changed when sheand wives sit around the dinner table and talk about, Robinson says. 34'