The Pittsburgh Foundation’s Social Justice Fund awarded $25,000 to Black Women for a Better Education in 2021. The organization was created as an education advocacy group. 

Black Women for a Better Education is an education justice initiative that advocates for Black children and responds to long-standing academic and social service disparities experienced by Black students. The organization is led by Black women who are educators, community advocates, concerned neighbors and allies who initially came together in frustration over Pittsburgh Public School district’s transition to virtual learning during the pandemic. Since its founding, Black Women for a Better Education has released several white papers outlining the academic context for Black students attending Pittsburgh Public Schools; hosted community townhalls to provide updates to and solicit feedback from stakeholders; and piloted the Learning Institute, a virtual advocacy and mobilization program aligned with the goal of promoting a more educated and engaged public. 

The Social Justice Fund focuses on providing support for organizations engaged in advocacy, mobilization and healing work. Since its launch in 2018, SJF has awarded many organizations with necessary funding.