#PghUnitedForUkraine campaign to assist in refugee crisis
The United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania and The Pittsburgh Foundation have partnered to encourage donors and the general public to support United Way International’s response to the humanitarian crisis that is now facing the people of Ukraine.
You may donate through the local campaign portal #PghUnitedForUkraine:
Funds will support organizations with expertise in humanitarian relief efforts, including:
- United Way Romania.
- United Way Hungary.
- Fundacja Dobrych Inicjatyw (Good Initiatives Foundation) in Poland.
No fees will be charged for donations, although there may be some administrative costs for nonprofit organizations delivering aid in the affected countries.
For Pittsburgh Foundation fundholders:
If you are a Pittsburgh Foundation fundholder and wish to give through your advised fund, please contact your donor services representative or login to the donor portal and recommend a grant (include "Ukraine" in comments field).