Generally, funds managed by the Foundation are charged an annual administrative fee (listed on the Fund Statement as an Administrative Grant), which varies depending on the type of fund established. These fees are calculated on an annual basis, using the rates listed below applied to the previous 36-month average of the total market value of each fund. A minimum $275 fee applies to each fund. All fees are deducted at the beginning of the year.

Fee Schedule

Fund TypeAdministrative Fee / Grant
Agency Endowment1.10 - 1.25%
Donor Advised0.60 to 1.1%   (See schedule below.)
Committee Advised0.75 - 1.25%   (See schedule below.)
Field of Interest1.20 - 1.75%
Medical Research2%
Scholarship1 - 2%
Undesignated (unrestricted)1.20%

Donor-advised Fund Fee Schedule ($275 annual minimum)

Asset ValueRate
$ 1,000,000 or less1.10%
$1,000,000 - 2,000,0000.95%
$2,000,000 - 5,000,0000.80%
$5,000,000 - 10,000,0000.70%
$ 10,000,001 or greater0.60%

Committee-advised Fund Fee Schedule ($275 annual minimum)

Asset ValueRate
$ 1,000,000 or less1.25%
$1,000,000 - 2,000,0001.10%
$2,000,000 - 5,000,0000.95%
$5,000,000 - 10,000,0000.85%
$ 10,000,001 or greater0.75%

Contact Us

If you have questions about administrative fees, please email us: development [at] (development[at]pghfdn[dot]org).