John-Elizabeth Blaho Miller Fund The John-Elizabeth Blaho Miller Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation was created to provide scholarship assistance for students, with a preference for students from Hungary of Hungarian lineage, who are undertaking a theological education in preparation for the Lutheran ministry. John C. Miller was born in Budapest October 1910. In 1921 he immigrated to the United States with his parents (John Miller and Elizabeth Blaho Miller) where they resided in Ambridge, PA. For several years John was the manager of five motion picture houses owned by the Chateau Amusement Company. In 1955 he became a program supervisor at Buhl Planetarium where he retired at the age of 67 in 1977. In December 2001 John established this scholarship in memory of his parents.
Average Award: Varies Up To $30,000
Award Type: Single Year. Previous recipients are encouraged to re-apply in consecutive years.
Application Period Closes: Inquire with the scholarship contact.
- Pursue a degree or studies in theology.
- Demonstrate financial need.
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
- Plan to attend a seminary in preparation for Lutheran ministry.
- Preference will be given to students from Hungary or of Hungarian lineage.
How to Apply
- Submit two letters of reference: One from a Lutheran clergy or a seminary instructor and where applicable, one from your 'home' pastor stating the Hungarian background/descent/origin.
- Submit a copy of passport or student visa.
- Submit your unofficial transcripts.
Zsuzsa Racz: