The Pittsburgh Foundation

Standing up for racial justice

Protesters flood downtown Pittsburgh on May 30, 2020, 5 days after the killing of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis. Protests that began in that city spread to cities across the United States and overseas. Photo by Joshua Franzos.

We stand in solidarity with those calling for the fair administration of justice and we support the right of Americans to protest. Inspired by the millions who have done so, we join in the quest to end racist behaviors, policies and practices in systems that lead to emotional and physical violence to people of color, immigrants and other minorities.

In the face of a pandemic that threatens us all, we must acknowledge the disproportionate impacts on the health and economic well-being of our Black and other minority communities. Changing these inequities will require a long-term campaign for justice. Nonetheless, the raised voices and the flashpoint of this moment call us to action.

By design, community foundations are philanthropic first responders in the places they serve. We take great pride in our Foundation’s historical commitment to serving the most vulnerable in our community, equitably, even as we recognize that living up to that legacy requires continued examination, soul-searching and innovation in the push for progress. Our Foundation will convene our broad base, collaborate with our public- and private-sector partners, and welcome new voices to the table to find solutions. These include those advocating for new policies and legislation, and new approaches in our grantmaking.

As a community foundation, we recognize this moment as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to come together to confront the most virulent forms of racism and eliminate them. We pledge to recommit ourselves and our resources to build a just and inclusive society for the sake of future generations.

We invite you to join us.

Edie Shapira, M.D., Former Board Chair
Lisa Schroeder, President and CEO

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