The Pittsburgh Foundation

Wish Book

Wish Book 2023
2023 Wish Book PDF

The Wish Book is a soft-cover, printed book that is mailed to our donor community every November. Donors may use their donor-advised fund to make grant requests to fulfill the "wishes" on a rolling basis between November and March. In 2023, donors contributions totaled $670,000 to 100 Wish Book organizations. 

Are you a Pittsburgh Foundation fund holder? 

The 2024 Wish Book will be mailed should arrive in mailboxes before Thanksgiving. 

Is your nonprofit organization seeking funding?

The next Wish Book application period opens July 15, 2024, and closes at 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 18, 2024. Please take a look at the Wish Book FAQs for eligibility criteria.

If you have any questions about Wish Book, please contact Taren Lumley at  412-394-2622  or lumleyt [at] (lumleyt[at]pghfdn[dot]org).